Wednesday, July 20, 2011

He is my brother.....

So, after a rather long silence treatment, I am now back on the blog, ready to let you in on why I have been so silent. It all started Friday 1st of July when we were finally getting our furniture back from Switzerland. The move had been organized for more than 3 months and the company doing the move had sold themselves on their great experience moving for the German army and their great local suppliers in DC. We were expecting the movers to arrive at 10am but at 9.45am we got a call from their office, were a rather rude German gentleman explained that we had outstanding bills and our furniture would not be delivered before these were paid. Hm, okay, interesting since we were under the impression everything was paid in full. Also, how about calling the day before to solve this issue?? Anyway. long story short the guy gets more and more rude and it ends up with us having to explore 3 different banks and come up with more than $3.000 to cover the costs. When the van finally shows about 2 hours late (they went to the wrong address) it turns out the company don't even have their own van, it's a rental and very small so only half of our furniture is there. At this point we are like, "you know what, just get it in the apartment and go get the rest". At 8pm at night we finally have everything in the apartment, but now we realize 3 sofa cushions are missing along with a dining chair. Several things are broken and it's all just a big mess. Then comes the best part of the day. My husband tells the moving guy to let the office know of the broken and missing items. He adds and I quote "Don't have Patrick call me (rude guy from earlier) I don't mind Kathy calling me but keep Patric away, he is the worst person I ever encountered" The guy's response "Ok, no problem. Kathy is actually my mom" "Uhm, Okay...." "Yeah, and Patrick is my brother" "You are kidding right?" "Nope"..... Okay, enough said. They sold themselves on being a large, professional moving company servicing more than 50 moves pr. year to DC for the army and reality they were a small very unprofessional company.  So we are shaking our heads and moving on and hopefully we will get insurance to cover so we can actually sit in our couch :-)

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